Saturday, August 23, 2014

using up extra and old veggies

Today I needed to use up some old veggies and leftovers, so I went back to my zucchini casserole recipe.

I grabbed a pound of sausage we have in the freezer and put that on the stove, then I prepped veggies - a box of mushrooms
- a small chunk of zucchini and one whole one
- one Japanese eggplant, which we had from the farmers market
- three tomatoes that were going bad
- leftover veggies and pork that were grilled last night (not a ton - maybe a 1/2 cup extras)
- a half eaten green pepper (thanks for my two-year-old son!)

I cooked up a half cup rice to throw in with it, then since I was out of cheese, I made a quick roux of butter, flour, and milk, poured that on the veggies, and threw it in the oven for 30 minutes (350 or 375 I think).

Hit the spot!

P.S. I didn't want to go through the work of having B sit down and go through the veggies so I fed him some of the sausage and opted out of having him eat more by letting him eat yogurt. Some days easy is better.

a surprise lunch hit

Friday lunch - lunches are always tough for me because you want to do something quick and easy and I want Brayden to eat it! Yesterday, I decided I wanted to get rid the of crescent rolls I had purchased on a whim from the store (and never normally purchase!). So I found this savory dish:

The only recipe switch was instead of green onions, I used up a leftover half of an onion and sauteed it in butter before putting it on the pizza.

I thought it was good, and Brayden ate it very well. My husband ate it, and then halfway through, he exclaimed, this stuff is awesome! So it was a surprise hit!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Zucchini casserole ... a favorite

Monday lunch! That means I'm working and trying to keep track of the kids while making lunch. Thankfully, J usually naps, so it's just keeping track of B. Today, I've been listening to a message for work while I'm cutting up veggies for a favorite meal:

Now, I don't think I've ever made this the same way twice... or actually made this exactly the way the recipe calls for. I guess on all my measurements based on what I have and want to use up. I use all fresh ingredients, including shredded cheddar instead of packaged cheese or whatever it calls for. I've even used a roux (flour, butter, milk) instead of cheese when I didn't have cheese on hand. I also add green pepper, if I have it.

To give you an idea of quantities, today I used two big zucchini and four medium tomatoes, half a green pepper, and half of a thing of mushrooms, although I often have used the whole thing. I used leftover rice and beans from a different meal.

To add pizzazz, I add panko and cheese and Italian breadcrumbs to the top of the dish... then I cook it for 30 minutes or so instead of an hour.

Brayden doesn't love this, probably because of the sight of green zucchini, but he has eaten the meat out of it, and I think he has eaten some of the casserole at times. This is an easy one to add beans to as well.


Sun. afternoon and Monday morning

Yesterday we had a family reunion, so I didn't have to do a thing for lunch (yay!) except dessert (double yay!). I ended up making these cookies: Yum!!

We took home some leftover pork sandwiches from the reunion, so that was dinner, with a side of farmers market green beans that I sauteed in oil and minced garlic. Double yum!

This morning's breakfast will be split since I've been up early with the littlest munchkin. I had cereal, so B will probably get toast... easy peasy!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

cottage cheese pancakes

Sunday morning breakfast: I usually go on streaks for breakfast making the same thing many times in a week, and then I won't make it for a while. Right now it is cottage cheese pancakes with stuff in it. It's not gourmet and the taste is far from developed, as my husband attests to because he thinks they are bland, but I love them and Brayden eats them.

What they are: cottage cheese - maybe a cup or so (varies every time!), 2-4 eggs, and a few spoonfuls of flour. Put butter on a nonstick pan, then cook until brown. Lately I've added raisins, chocolate chips, or frozen blueberries.

There's probably a recipe out there with the right amount of stuff and spices that makes this a super presentable meal, but for now, I'm feeding B and I in the morning and we enjoy these as is!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sat night mixed meal!

Saturday night, I wanted a quick dinner. I planned for BLTs and got bacon at the store, but completely forgot about lettuce! Silly me. Then I found out that my husband was heading fishing for the night so I had about 30 minutes to turn around something substantial for him to eat. 

I decided to take the bacon for BLTs and mix it with a leftover veggie side dish I found in the fridge: zucchini and kidney beans. I added some eggs to the mixture, which made it mimic a breakfast dish Erik's family makes. I also added some mini colored peppers to add veggies and color. 

It was really good, but I only made enough for him! Didn't think B would like it, so I opted for grilled cheese for B and me. Not the best, but not the worst, and yes, he ate it! 

Chicken Burritos

Saturday lunch: Chicken Burritos

I had been thinking about making these for a while. The chicken was already thawed. It took me about 45 minutes to get everything cut and cooked, but that included time to calm Brayden down, who wasn't feeling the best. He also helped "dump" things into the burrito mixture.

Recipe changes: I added green pepper with the onion and garlic. I would have added fresh tomatoes with the salsa, but didn't have any on hand. I also decided against the green chiles. I've added them before and they are good, but I like them just as good without. I doubled the salsa.

It was in the oven for fifteen minutes... so it was ready in an hour.

Brayden has been hit or miss with this meal on eating. I think the black beans can scare him away. Today he ate a bunch of the chicken, tortilla, and cheese. Maybe making it helped warm him up to the idea of eating it?

No leftovers, but a fantastic lunch.